We’ve got two kinects! Read about our calibration methods using Matlab toolboxes, the opencv interface to acquire, analyse and edit images from the libfreenect driver and the other applications we are developing using the 3D support.»read more…
Virtual Robotics Lab: JRL + SeLF = VRL
Studenten des JRL haben sich erfolgreich auf SeLF, die Studentische eLearning-Förderung 2010 der JWG-Universität Frankfurt beworben! Hier geht es darum, neue Konzepte im Rahmen der eLearning Initiative zu fördern, weshalb die Wahl des Projekttitels auch auf VRL, nämlich Virtual Robotics Lab, fiel.
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Goethe University finally has a RoboCup team!
Meet us for the weekly Bembelbots team meeting in Room 20, see contact page for details.
Preparations for RoboCup German Open 2011 are in progress! We’ve got four of the robots now together with a complete playing field.
There’s lots of interesting work to do, for example behavior control, image processing, implementing stable walking, building world models, etc.
We’ve still got room for some more team mates and you’re welcome to join us!
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The project HeliControl was aimed at developing an IR remote control for the USB port which can be used to steer Silverlit helicopters. Software and the PCB are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), you can download both from this site.
The project has been completed recently, see the HeliControl project page for more information.
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Helicopter tracking
Our Helicopter tracking system is an autopilot application for miniature helicopters, consisting of a visual tracking system combined with a PID-controller and HeliControl, enables us to keep the helicopter at a desired altitude.
Currently the helicopter is mounted on a movable arm, and tracking is only done in 2D, but future plans include 3D-tracking with serveral cameras.
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This package provides access to Robotis Dynamixel servos and sensors. These devices are on a bus which is connected to the host PC via a robot controller (interface).
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Fischertechnik meets linux
This package provides access to several fischertechnik devices connected to the PC using an USB-cable or a serial cable.
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